Room checkin 14:00 Room checkout 12:00

Note: Please contact the hotel to book a room!

Room 201

Capacity: 1 person

Room 201 - Single board - with bathroom and private WC

Room 118

Capacity: 1 person

has a single bed, window, bathroom and private service and other amenities.

Room 108

Capacity: 1 person

A single panel, with refrigerator and window, etc. - No bathroom and private service

Room 204

Capacity: 1 person

Single bed Room - with bathroom and private service and other facilities

Room 203

Capacity: 1 person

A single board - with private bathroom and toilet and etc.

Room 202

Capacity: 1 person

Single board room - with bathroom and toilet inside the room and so on.

Room 119

Capacity: 1 person

Single room - with private bathroom and toilet, etc.

Room 205

Capacity: 1 person

Room a single bed with bathroom and private toilet and so on.

Room 103

Capacity: 1 person

Two single beds - with private bathroom and toilet

Room 111

Capacity: 2 people

It has a double bed,bathroom and private service, window facing out and so on.